Long Story Short with Leslie Wilcox features engaging conversations with some of the most intriguing people in Hawaiʻi and across the world. Guests share personal stories, experiences and values that have helped shape who they are.
Air Date: Mon, Jan 2, 2017 7:30 PM
Before his current career as a bus operator with O‘ahu Transit Services, where he’s been for more than 30 years, Ralph Aviles was a professional featherweight boxer. At one point, he ranked third in the world in his division. Aviles says boxing helped him develop confidence, discipline, humility and respect – traits that he now strives to nurture in local at-risk youth.
Air Date: Tue, Dec 27, 2016 7:30 PM
Glenn Medeiros’ humble childhood on Kauai did not prepare him for the international fame he would achieve after winning a Hawaiʻi-based singing competition as a teen. After years in the music industry, Medeiros grew disenchanted with the life of a pop sensation and turned his attention toward Hawaiʻi’s education system, leading him to his current position as President of Saint Louis School in Honolulu.
Air Date: Tue, Dec 13, 2016 7:30 PM
At ninety-two years of age, Will Henderson has seen a lot of changes in the world. Today this retired Hawai‘i healthcare executive is still working out--at two gyms--and still willing to share advice with up-and-comers.
Air Date: Wed, Nov 30, 2016 11:00 PM
Ed Ginoza has dedicated his life to educating Maui’s public school students in science – in the classroom and beyond. His personalized approach to education has made its mark on countless young minds, earning him several top teaching awards throughout his career, including Hawai‘i State Teacher of the Year. Now retired, Ginoza coaches Maui High School’s team for the Hawai‘i Science Bowl, which they have won six times under his mentorship.
Air Date: Tue, Nov 22, 2016 7:30 PM
Larry Lindsey Kimura of Hawaiʻi Island was just a child when he began to sense that the Hawaiian language his grandmother spoke fluently was on the verge of extinction. Ever since, he has committed his life to the preservation and perpetuation of the language, as a teacher and developer of innovative programs, including Punana Leo, the Hawaiian language preschools.
Air Date: Tue, Oct 18, 2016 7:30 PM
Phil Arnone has built a career on telling Hawaii’s stories as a television director and producer. Revered for his passion and professionalism, he has directed Hawaii’s number-one local newscast, produced a popular kids’ show and now produces documentaries that explore some of Hawaii’s most important places and people.
Air Date: Tue, Aug 16, 2016 7:30 PM
Sabra Kauka strives to honor the place Hawaiian values have in our modern world. As a cultural practitioner and teacher on Kauai, she helps sustain and perpetuate Native Hawaiian traditions by sharing her knowledge with future generations.
Air Date: Tue, Aug 9, 2016 7:30 PM
William “Yama” Chillingworth served as a state judge on Hawai‘i Island for 25 years. After retiring from the bench, he traced his Native Hawaiian heritage, discovering a familial connection to the rare Hawaiian hawk and an urgent calling to photograph it.
Air Date: Tue, Aug 2, 2016 7:30 PM
From a childhood spent on a Kauai plantation, Daniel Case grew up to become one of Hawaiʻi’s longest-serving attorneys. Case shares how he stood guard at Punahou School on the night of December 7, 1941; represented aviator Charles Lindbergh; and with his wife, Carol, raised four children, one of whom became a billionaire.
Air Date: Mon, Aug 1, 2016 7:30 PM
Leslie Wilcox talks with husband-and-wife news veterans Kirk Matthews and Linda Coble. The two talk about meeting at a Portland, Oregon news station, the influence of legendary newscaster Bob Sevey, their news experiences and their solid partnership of over 30 years.
323 results found (showing 131 - 140)