A periodic series of live town hall events that encourages lively discussion, constructive comments and inclusive conversation. The goal is to foster alignment within our diverse communities and eliminate second-hand information and misinformation.
Air Date: Thu, Apr 27, 2023 7:30 PM
In the next KĀKOU: Hawai‘i’s Town Hall, we will bring together decision makers, including law enforcement representatives and other stakeholders, in a live 90-minute program, How Do We Keep Habitual Offenders Off Our Roads?
Air Date: Thu, Mar 30, 2023 7:30 PM
Encore: Sat, Apr 15, 2023 7:30 PM
All four Hawai‘i counties are issuing concealed carry permits to gun owners following a U.S. Supreme court ruling last summer that expanded gun rights. PBS Hawai‘i is bringing together community leaders and citizens with varied perspectives to discuss next steps.
Air Date: Sat, Mar 18, 2023 7:30 PM
Does Hawai‘i have a plan to combat beach erosion? What can residents do to help? Is there hope? Join us on KAKOU: HAWAIʻI'S TOWN HALL: Climate Change-Our Disappearing Beaches where PBS Hawai‘i is bringing together multiple stakeholders to discuss this real and frightening problem.
Air Date: Thu, Jan 26, 2023 7:30 PM
So, where are the workers? PBS Hawai‘i is bringing together industry representatives, organized labor leaders, workers, economists and workforce trainers to discuss this issue in a live 90-minute program.
Air Date: Sat, Jun 4, 2022 7:00 PM
The COVID-19 pandemic exposed a frightening vulnerability here that has been decades in the making; Hawaiʻi’s reliance on imported food which is estimated at 85 to 90 percent. Native Hawaiians were self-sufficient for centuries. Studies have shown that although a complete shift back to ancient ways is not feasible, the adoption of a sustainability mentality would go a long way. How do we as a community achieve this? What are the first steps and how do we get buy-in to make change?
Air Date: Sat, Sep 4, 2021 8:00 PM
Hawai‘i’s visitor count has come roaring back much quicker than experts predicted from the nearly empty days during the past year of the COVID-19 pandemic. The resurgence of visitors has raised concerns from the community to limit the number of tourists. Join us for KĀKOU: Hawaiʻi's Town Hall where we'll discuss what the possible next steps are for our number one industry.
Air Date: Thu, Aug 26, 2021 7:30 PM
PBS Hawaiʻi visited communities and asked residents a series of questions on tourism. We asked. You answered.
Air Date: Thu, Aug 26, 2021 7:30 PM
PBS Hawaiʻi visited communities and asked residents a series of questions on tourism. We asked. You answered.
Air Date: Thu, Aug 26, 2021 7:30 PM
PBS Hawaiʻi visited communities and asked residents a series of questions on tourism. We asked. You answered.
Air Date: Thu, Aug 26, 2021 7:30 PM
PBS Hawaiʻi visited communities and asked residents a series of questions on tourism. We asked. You answered.
24 results found (showing 11 - 20)