Insights on PBS Hawai‘i is a live, weekly one-hour public affairs show.
Air Date: Thu, Sep 14, 2023 7:30 PM
Hawaiʻi’s infamous high cost of living has held its people back for decades, particularly our keiki. A recent report cites child-care and preschool costs as major reasons for pushing Hawaiʻi down nine points to 44th nationally when it comes to the economic well-being of children. So how do we change that sobering statistic? Join the conversation on improving the economic well-being of our keiki.
Air Date: Thu, Sep 7, 2023 7:30 PM
There are more than 80,000 cesspools across the state. By law, all of them need to be replaced or converted to more modern waste disposal systems. But there is a cost. How is Hawaiʻi doing in meeting that goal?
Air Date: Thu, Aug 24, 2023 7:30 PM
Are campaigns to improve pedestrian safety working?
Air Date: Thu, Aug 17, 2023 7:30 PM
There is a renewed push to save the Haʻikū Stairs in Kāneʻohe, Windward Oʻahu after the city hired a contractor to remove them. The stairs, commonly referred to as Stairway to Heaven, go up the side of the Koʻolau Mountains. There is no legal public access to the stairs from the Windward side but that has not stopped hikers from traversing the trail prompting complaints from area residents about noise, trespassing and trash left behind.
Air Date: Thu, Aug 10, 2023 7:30 PM
Will construction of a pedestrian bridge over O‘ahu’s Ala Wai Canal be an improvement or a problem?
Air Date: Thu, Aug 3, 2023 7:30 PM
Feral cats roam all the major Hawaiian islands. Population estimates run into the hundreds of thousands. The cats have no predators but have long been considered one of the biggest predatory threats to native wildlife and they spread a potentially deadly parasite that can harm birds and mammals including monk seals and humans. Trap, neuter and release programs can and do help, but are they doing enough?
Air Date: Thu, Jul 27, 2023 7:30 PM
Does it seem like our roads and highways are constantly in need of repair? Why do road upgrades seem to take so long?
Air Date: Thu, Jul 13, 2023 7:30 PM
You don’t have to look hard to find homeless people in our community, unfortunately. There are multiple programs in the works by state and county governments, non-profit organizations and the private sector to address the homeless crisis in Hawaiʻi. Are those programs working? Why or why not?
Air Date: Thu, Jul 6, 2023 7:30 PM
A so-called broadband revolution is about to launch statewide to help thousands of households with little or no access to the internet. Just how and when will that work?
Air Date: Thu, Jun 22, 2023 7:30 PM
Planners have a new proposal to control flooding in the Ala Wai watershed after the last plan was rejected. Does the plan hold water?
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