


Meet Other Candidates in the Democratic Primary for governor


Six citizens are running in the Democratic Primary for governor of Hawai‘i. Two of them appeared in a live broadcast of Insights on PBS Hawai‘i on July 5. PBS Hawai‘i invited the four other candidates via email to share their views on issues facing Hawai‘i in written form up to 750 words. The candidates are Ernest Caravalho, Wendell Ka‘ehu‘ae‘a, Richard Kim and Van Tanabe. Only Ka‘ehu‘ae‘a and Caravalho responded by the June 27 deadline.


Ernest Caravalho   |   Wendell Ka‘ehu‘ae‘a



Ernest Caravalho  (D)

Candidate for Governor Ernest Caravalho

My name is Ernest Caravalho and I humbly ask for your support and vote for Governor of the state of Hawai‘i. I was born in Honolulu and raised in Kalihi. After I graduated I joined the Air force, then from their went back to school where I studied law to become a paralegal. I returned to Hawai‘i to take care of my nephews.


Hawai‘i is at a critical crossroads and it is now time for the people to get involved and decide where we go from here. Do we continue to do things as usual by voting for the same old guard who do not look out for the people, but instead the special interest groups, corrupt corporations and the foreign investor who continue to build their financial portfolios on the backs of our people or do we have the courage to make the change that we need to take back our government for the people.


Until we make the corrections that needs to be made, business as usual will continue to be rampant in Hawai‘i. We shall never see a truly great education system, Health Care for all, affordable Housing, the decrease of homelessness and Job security for all our people.


We need to make changes now as we need fresh new ideas to be flowing into our government. We cannot continue as we are going as we are being taxed out of our homes and ‘āina. The way we gather our taxes is not working and whenever government needs more they take away from other projects and end up taxing the people.


We need to look at rebuilding our economy and being more reliant on high tech jobs then being reliant on tourism and the military. We must look at ways that we can use to be totally green in Hawai‘i and we must act upon Climate Change by leading the way.


We must look at the legalization of recreational marijuana, the lottery, a specialized zoned area for the legalization of gambling (parts of Ala Moana into Waikīkī.) and the creation of a lotto that will limit the amount of tourism in Hawai‘i at any given time. We must look at all ideas that will help us to control the exodus of all our people as they can no longer afford to live in their own ‘aina.


The truth of the matter is that it will be hard, but like medicine which many don’t like to take, we must come to a realization that the medication that we need is going to be hard at first but then we will start to heal. It’s time we all stand strong and do what is right for all of Hawai‘i with the respects to all our people.


Lastly, we must make things right with all Kanaka Maoli. Until we have healed the scars and made things right again, Hawai‘i shall never be Hawai‘i and we shall all lose. An apology by the State is a must and action to be followed by that apology will show everyone that we will make things right once and for all.


Mahalo my Friends,
Ernest Caravalho




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Wendell Ka‘ehu‘ae‘a  (D)

Candidate for Governor Wendell Ka’ehu’ae’a

Aloha my name is Wendell Ka‘ehu‘ae‘a.

1. Born and raised in Honolulu

2. Attended Lanakila Elementary, Kawananakoa Inter., Graduated from Farrington High School 1960.

3. Joined the U.S. Navy. Served under Admiral John McCain, Pacific Fleet Commander. Worked in his public information office on board ship.

4. Join Aloha Airlines, Honolulu, after the service. Then worked for Holmes & Narves on Johnston Island.

5. Moved to the Island of Hawai‘i worked for Coca Cola, Suisan, Air Cargo, Puna Sugar, Cultivation – Supervisor and Na Leo O Hawaii Community T.V.

6. Raised my family – Wife, two sons, two daughters on Panaewa Farm lot 20ac. For 30 years. On the Island of Hawai‘i – Hilo.

7. Built (2) Radio Stations in East Hawai‘i. KAHU AM Panaewa and KAHU FM in Pahala, Ka‘u.

8. Attended Hawaii Island Community College at age 53, Graduated with a AA Liberal Arts Degree. Continued to the University of Hawaii-Hilo. Graduated – BA Communication, BA Political Science and a Minor in Economics. All within 5 years. (Age 58)

9. Co-Chair- The Veterans Day Parade in Hilo The first (7years).

10. Very proud, I am a Hawaiian. I participated in the Merrie Monarch Royal Court. Last year 2017


*Requesting your consideration to represent the Residents and ‘Ohana of Hawai‘i as Governor.




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