Exploring the Highs and Lows of Americaʻs Fragmented Health Care System Vs. the World
PBS NEWSHOUR PRESENTS Critical Care: America Vs. the World. Despite recent reform efforts, the United States still has the most expensive health care system in the developed world — with worse health outcomes compared to its international peers and 30 million Americans with no insurance.
As the Biden administration looks to expand coverage amid a global pandemic, this special report examines the highs and lows of America’s fragmented system and explores how four other countries manage to offer health coverage to citizens more efficiently. With reports by PBS NewsHour national correspondent William Brangham in the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Australia, and Canada, this special takes viewers on a global tour comparing how medical care is organized, provided, and paid for in the U.S. versus other countries.
Air Date: Wed, Apr 21, 2021 10:00 PM